Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ADHD Homeschool Tutors NYC

For children with attention deficit disorders (ADD and ADHD), school can be a real struggle. Parents often find the best way to provide an encouraging learning environment for their child is to hire a private tutor specialized in assisting children with learning difficulties.

Below we have described some of the strategies a private tutor Manhattan uses to engage with a child with attention deficit disorder.

Tailored Tutoring

Homeschool tutors NYC understand that every child’s learning style is slightly different, so they adjust their teaching style according to the needs of the child. They play to the child’s strengths. For example, if the child is able to understand and retain more information using visual aids, the tutor will encourage the child to draw what they are learning. Alternatively, if a child is a keen conversationalist, the private tutor will encourage the child to create both oral and written stories dealing with what they are learning.

Tackling motivation issues

"Many ADHD kids experience learned helplessness," explains behavioral disorders teacher Phylicia Cartwright. "They figure out that they can use their disability as an excuse for not doing the work and that misbehavior gets them out of doing things they don't want to do. Don't give in."

Working in little, doable blocks

While most of us have short attention spans these days, this is particularly the case with children with ADHD. Some will find it near-impossible to sit still for an extended period of time, so homeschool tutors NYC make sure to work in small, achievable chunks.
If you break a task down into smaller parts, it will feel less daunting.

Variety is key

Being able to teach a child using a variety of different resources will result in a more rounded and memorable experience. Incorporating physical activities (such as walking along the beach while discussing the moon’s effect on the tides) as well as visual and audiovisual aids will keep the child interested and engaged.
Permitting the child to move around their space rather than being restricted to a desk is also an important aspect of variety. 

Foster their passion

Building lessons around a child’s passion will undoubtedly increase their interest in the subject. Big Apple Tutoring’s home tutoring NYC division are trained in such tactics to increase a child with learning difficulties to succeed in their educational endeavors. The goal of these homeschool tutors NYC is to develop the child’s skills in order to become a confident and independent learner.

Big Apple Tutoring offers the following services for children with attention deficit disorders:

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