Friday, December 25, 2015

6 Lucky Dishes to Serve Up for New Years

If there’s one holiday that most of the world celebrates in one way or another it is New Years!  The ringing in of a new year brings out many traditions and where there are traditions you will most likely find food.  Below are a list of the luckiest foods new years has to offer.  Who knows popping a few of this dishes may make your 2016 that much better.


I’ve heard of beans being called the “Magical Fruit” but the “Lucky Legumes”? Apparently in many parts of the world legumes are seen as a symbol of money.  The swelling of legumes represent financial rewards.  In Italy you will be hard pressed to not see a family that indulges in Lentils and Sausages for New years. 

Cooked Greens:

When you think of cooked greens your first thought may be “Down South”.  Truth be told eating greens for New Years can be found in numerous countries around the world.  The reasoning behind this you ask?  Simple cooked greens resemble folded money.  Gives a whole new meaning to “making that cabbage”.


If you’ve ever visited a South American country during New Years you will most likely experience the eating of the grapes which takes place at Midnight.  For each stroke of the clock you are to eat a grape which comes out to a total of 12 grapes, one representing each month.  Although this tradition started off in Spain it quickly spread to other countries such as Portugal as well as former Spanish and Portuguese colonies. 


The pig is a symbol or prosperity, or over indulgence.  Its rich high fat content signifies wealth and abundance.  It’s no surprise then that pork is eaten in many countries.  The United States is well known for serving up delicious Roasted Ham for New Years.  Countries like Germany, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Spain and Austria serve up the delicious swine in a variety of ways as well.


Long before refrigeration made meats king of the holidays fish could be found in many households as the main entrée for a holiday meal.  Fish especially Cod had the ability to preserve well, this led to it becoming one of the most popular proteins being served up during major holidays.  Fish ‘s scales are also said to resemble the shimmering of coins representing wealth. 


It might be the shape but cakes have been showing up on New Years dinner tables for quite some time.  Ring shaped items comes into play a lot when discussing the ending and beginning of a year.  The cake with its circular shape represent this idea perfectly. 

Wherever you may be this year for New Years make sure to partake in that countries food customs.  You’ll be surprised what new traditions you may end up making your own. 

Services Provided by Brindle Room Catering:

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