Tuesday, March 4, 2014

5 Best Bald TV characters: Ranked in order of the need for a hair loss shampoo

The nominees in no particular order: 

Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)
George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
Walter White (Breaking Bad)
Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Kevin Malone (The Office)
Frank Reynolds (Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad)

Some are lovable, others you may despise but the question remains: Who will take home the award for best bald character on television? Spanning genres and time periods these men all have one thing in common... their need for a hair loss shampoo

READ MORE for the definitive rankings.

5) Kevin Malone
Kevin Malone is a character in The Office played by Brian Baumgartner. He is a pleasant and slightly dimwitted accountant for the fictional company Dunder Mifflin.  Kevin is known for his dry humor and blunt attitude. One of his most memorable lines comes in the episode “Christmas Party” after he inadvertently ruins the party Kevin says, “I got myself for Secret Santa. I was supposed to tell somebody, but I didn't.” We never find out what he got for himself that Xmas but he surely would have benefited from a hair loss shampoo.

4) Frank Reynolds
Frank Reynolds is the raucous, mentally unstable, yet business-savvy father and owner of the bar in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He is played by Danny Devito and known for his get rich quick schemes involving family members. Frank is a short and a fat man with a hairstyle reminiscent of a horseshoe, meaning hair wraps around the side of his head with none on the top. If Frank knew about a nettle hair loss shampoo it would no longer be the baldness that defines him but rather his weight problems.

3) Homer Simpson
Coming in at number three is the doughnut loving father of three who has graced television for more than twenty years. With a whopping two hairs, Homer may actually have more brain cells than fibers on his dome. His often slapstick yet brilliantly poignant comedic moments span decades and age demographics but never once does Homer craft a plan for a hair loss shampoo.

2) Walter White/Heisenberg
This dark lead character of the cult TV series shaves his head in season 1 as he takes on an alter ego. The transformation from an lower-middle class chemistry teacher to a drug kingpin coincides with the shift from full head of hair to bald with a goatee. As Walter White says early in the season, “Chemistry…chemistry is the study of transformation.” Walter White transforms as a character, but had he chosen a hair loss shampoo, his look may have taken as much of a turn for the worse as his morality does.

1) George Costanza

The most famous balding TV character is the perpetually pessimistic, antagonistic, nihilistic, George Costanza. Or perhaps as  some of his enemies refer to him... “Can’t stand ya”. George is constantly bellyaching about his misfortune and looking for an easy way out.  He is intimidated by his comedian friend Jerry, and asks him to not steal his thunder in one episode, “This woman thinks I’m very funny and now you’re gonna be funny, so what am I gonna be? I’m gonna be a short bald guy with glasses who suddenly doesn't seem so funny.” George lives with self esteem issues due to his shiny cranium. In one episode he actually does look for a cure to hair loss but his attempts are futile as he never comes across a hair loss shampoo as effective as the naturally formulated nettle products offered today.

Learn more about NutraCare's naturally formulated nettle hair loss shampoo
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Photo Credit:
George- comeoncostanza.wordpress.com

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