Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Prostate Cancer

For those of you unaware prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men and kills millions each year. It may be restricted to just the prostate gland which may seem to be a small organ but when the cancer metastasizes it can become an aggressive cancer spreading quickly. The good news is there is a good chance of survival if you were to detect it early on and there are good treatment plans available from your local urologist NewYorkSymptoms may be similar to that of BPH such as weak urine flow and difficulty initiating urine stream. Other symptoms include blood in urine and semen, pain in lower back, hips or thighs, bone pain and or erectile dysfunction. The good news is that although millions are currently affected, more men are now surviving because of recent breakthroughs in science and medicine. Treatment can be effective and make sure to contact your urology doctor New YorkCity.

Prostate cancer generally affects older men with statistics showing that about 80% of all cases of prostate cancer are found to affect men over the age of 65 and less than 1% is for those less than 50. Like most cancers it is more likely to be contracted if there is history in the family. If you have a family history of cancer be sure to schedule an appointment with your local urologist New York City. Doctors may not know what the exact cause of prostate cancer is but a disorganized diet may also contribute to the risk. Men who tend to eat a lot of fat from red meat are more likely to contract prostate cancer; meat cooked at high temperatures can also have a long lasting effect on your prostate. There are also a few jobs where men are also at higher risk such as welders, battery manufacturers, rubber workers and men exposed to cadmium metal. Make sure to take part in exercises and if you’re over the age of 50 be sure to visit a urologist NYC at least twice per year.

Are you at Risk?
A family history of prostate cancer already makes men susceptible to prostate cancer but the exact numbers are alarming with 1 out of 6 men likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. 80% of men 80 or older will have cancerous cells in their prostate but only 1 out of 36 men will be diagnosed. There are other factors such as race that may also contribute to the always present prostate cancer. Prostate cancer unfortunately occurs more often in African American men than white American men. It is quite ironic that Japanese men and African males living in their native countries have a lower incidence of prostate cancer. Experts believe that it is strange but it suggests an environmental connection which is possibly related to high-fat diets, less exposure to the sun and or smoking.

Preventing Prostate Cancer
Millions affected have shown us that there is no evidence that it can be prevented but you may be able to lower your risk. There are diets that one can do to maintain a healthy weight whilst reducing your risk for prostate cancer. For starters you may want to cut down your red meat intake as well as cutting back on processed meats such as hot dogs, bologna and certain lunch meats. Be sure to eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables also help prevent damage to the DNA in the body’s cells. Be sure to increase consumption of tomatoes (all forms), spinach, artichoke hearts, beans, berries, watermelon and pink grapefruit. Healthy food options also include bread, cereals, rice and pasta. If you want a detailed diet plan be sure to talk to your urologist NewYork.

Luzato Medical Group run by Dr. Jack Bruder is a well-known practice located in the heart of Manhattan and with over 25 years serving clients from all over. With doctors fluent in also Spanish and Hungarian you can be sure that your perfect urology doctor New York City is just a call away.
Learn More about Luzato Medical Group

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