Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Prostate General Knowledge and Facts

For those of us that don’t know the prostate is a walnut sized gland that is located between the bladder and the penis. Its role in our bodies is very big considering that it helps control the flow of urine and its main job during intercourse is produce a protein that mixes with prostatic fluid which forms semen. This is the fluid that is released during ejaculation through ejaculatory ducts that connect to the urethra. As soon as the word prostate arises we all associate it with uncomfortable procedures the most popular being a prostate exam.  Prostate problems vary and may come up at any moment of a male’s life. Statistics show that genetics play a key role in developing prostate problems and getting older is also proven to increase your chances of contracting any prostate related problems. When prostate problems are an issue or for more information it is advised to contact your local Urologist New York for details.

Prostate Conditions
As mentioned earlier, there are a variety of problems associated with the prostate the first of which is known as prostatitis. As with all diseases with the suffix ‘itis’ (inflammation) prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate which is sometimes caused by infection, the preferred treatment of which is through antibiotics. The next is an enlarged prostate and it virtually affects all men over the age of 50. Symptoms include trouble urinating and medicines or surgery are the preferred method to treat the condition. The last disease is the most dreaded and dangerous and it is prostate cancer. This is the most common type of cancer among males but only one in 35 men die from it. As with all cancers, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy and chemotherapy can be used to treat and perhaps cure it.

Prostate Procedures
Now, this is the part where we all get uncomfortable but you should know that the dreaded test that none of
us look forward to, is extremely important and should be mandatory for all men above 40. The first procedure is known as the digital rectum examination and it consists of a doctor inserting a lubricated gloved finger into your rectum and feels the prostate. A DRE will serve as means to identify an enlarged prostate and/or prostate cancer. Prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a protein that is made in the prostate, this protein is measured by a blood test and if it is shown to have a high level, prostate cancer is more likely. Next there is a prostate ultrasound which is a probe inserted into the rectum bringing it closer to the prostate. The last procedure is known as a biopsy in which a needle is inserted into the prostate to take tissue out and check for cancer. This procedure is done through the rectum.

 Prostate Treatments
Treatments vary depending on the condition or disease you’re stricken with so we will just discuss the preferred treatment plan for each of the 3 prostate conditions. For an enlarged prostate you can either have surgery done but the preferred choice for patients are alpha blockers. Alpha blockers relax the muscles around the urethra in men with symptoms from an enlarged prostate. This makes urine flow more freely. Next is prostate cancer and there are a variety of treatment plans you can have done. The first thing a urologist New York City would recommend is watchful waiting and it involves holding off treatment to wait and see if the cancer appears to be growing in size. Others would have hormone therapy done and it consists of having therapy done to block the effect of cancer growth. Next a doctor might recommend chemotherapy to reduce the spread. And finally a prostatectomy may be performed which is surgery for prostate cancer. This procedure involves removing the prostate and with it, all of the cancer. Finally, treatment for prostatitis would be with antibiotics, medications and/or surgery.

The prostate is roughly the size of a walnut but alone accounts for more deaths among men than any other cancer (aside from skin cancer). This organ causes cancer to 1 in 6 men in America. It is not recommended to have a PSA test done every year but you should keep an eye out if you are over 40. Visit a local urology doctor New York for more information on what is going on. Luzato Medical Group is a medical practice located in Manhattan. Led by Dr. Jack Bruder a Urology Doctor New York City, they have the right tools and expertise to provide helpful knowledge and let you be ready for any problem that may come your way. If you or a loved one is over the age of 40 and worried about any symptoms or problems regarding your bladder, contact Luzato today, you’ll be glad you did. 

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