Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Proper Men’s Guide for Hair Maintenance

Most men are guilty of not properly maintain their own hair.  For the majority of men, hair maintenance means slapping on some shampoo, vigorously drying their hair with a towel and then running some hands through their hair and viola! perfect hair.  Not so.  Hair is hair no matter if you’re female or male.  A certain amount of care needs to go into the maintenance of one’s hair in order to ensure a full healthy head.  There are many products out there that prevent hair loss such as natural hair loss shampoo.  One can also go the home remedy route and have hair treatments done using just eggs and yogurts.  But before dousing your head in dairy products look at these simple tips to maintain a awesome set of hair.

To Shampoo or not Shampoo, that is the question?

Contrary to what most people believe you can shampoo and condition every day.  Just try to be careful of what products you are putting into your hair.  Like anything else you use on your body use common sense.  If you’re prone to dry hair do not use a shampoo that removes oil, this will most definitely dry out your scalp causing a bad case of dandruff.  Just go for the normal shampoo and a good conditioner.  There is also that myth that shampooing to much can cause hair loss.  Not true, If that were the case they wouldn’t be making Hair loss shampoo.  You are more likely to lose your hair from drying your hair with a towel.  Try air drying instead of using a towel as the vigorous use of a towel can pull out hair follicles leading to thinning of the hair.

Whats the Deal with Oils and Gels?
Just like shampoos gels and oils are completely acceptable.  Just as long as you go with a quality product that does not contain a lot of harmful chemicals.  The whole purpose of gels is to get hard, this hardening of the gels congest the scalp and does not allow the scalp to breathe.  Try going for a gel that allows for styling but doesn’t clump up.  You might also consider using a pliable product such as wax.  Pliable products are better to use because they are cheaper in the long run for the fact that they do not need to be reapplied throughout the day.  You can put some on in the morning and just add a bit of water to your hair as the day goes on.  You will use more for a product like this but the upside is less usage.    

How Often Should I Cut my Hair?

For men you’re at every 6 to 8 weeks to look your best.  After 6 weeks or so hair generally starts to lose its support and maintains its shape.  Or if you are trying to grow up your hair remember to go in for regular shape ups to look clean cut.  All these tips are useful in maintaining a healthy head of hair but for those of you who have noticed a decline of hair on your heads consider using a natural hair loss shampoo.  

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